Contact and AppointmentsThe Law Office of
Steven D. Alexander 827 Armstrong Avenue, Suite 102 Kansas City, Kansas 66101 Phone: 913-621-0800 Mobile: 913-302-8326 Fax: 913-321-0199 E-mail: [email protected] Or use our Contact Form. Business hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 5:30 pm Evenings & Weekends by Appointment Se habla español Línea en español: 913-522-3901 Accepted methods of paymentWe accept cash, check, money order, or any of the following credit cards:
Areas of Practice |
Areas of PracticeHave you or a loved one recently been pulled over for a traffic ticket or speeding ticket? Our firm offers experienced and effective counsel, including but not limited to the following traffic issues:
• Traffic Citations • Driving Too Fast for Conditions • Driving While License Suspended/Revoked • Breath Test Refusal • Speeding Tickets • Careless and Imprudent Driving • No Proof of Insurance Almost everyone considers a traffic violation to be a minor issue. The initial response upon receiving a speeding ticket or some other traffic ticket is to simply mail in payment for the fine. That is the quickest way to put it out of your mind. However, drivers in Kansas and Missouri need to be aware of the impact that a ticket can have on their ability to continue to drive and maintain the lowest possible insurance rates. Are you aware that when you put a check in the mail with your traffic ticket that you are pleading guilty to the offense with which you are charged? Many people fail to realize that, much less consider what it really means. Even minor offenses can result in unforeseen consequences that may include the following penalties: • Suspended driver's license • Revoked driver's license • Fines • Jail time • Increased insurance premiums • Loss of insurance coverage • Loss of employment • A criminal record It is important to fight every traffic ticket since each ticket on your record has an impact. By being proactive and fighting all moving violations rather than paying them, you will improve your chances of not having to suffer the consequences listed above. In Kansas, if you accumulate too many moving violations within a year, the state may suspend your driver's license. In Missouri, if you accumulate too many points, you may lose your right to drive. Various entities such as insurance companies, state driver's license bureaus, and often your employer, monitor your driving record. Employers are increasingly being forced to monitor their employees' driving records because the employer's own insurance contracts demand safe driving records of individuals driving company-owned vehicles or even employee-owned vehicles. We have represented thousands of clients in various traffic matters ranging from speeding tickets to complicated DUI/DWI cases. If you are like most people, you are probably unfamiliar with the language and routines involved in traffic court proceedings. This puts you at a distinct disadvantage as you are likely to be opposing a police officer who has been to traffic court on numerous occasions and knows how to present his or her case well. We can drastically increase your chances of winning your case. We are highly experienced with Kansas and Missouri traffic laws and procedures and can present a much more compelling case on your behalf. Our office strives to make the litigation process as easy and efficient for our clients as possible. We move quickly to resolve any given situation in a successful, cost-effective manner. We conduct a significant amount of work with clients completely over the Internet or over the phone. Our goal is to make it as easy as possible on you. We know our clients are busy people who don't want to waste unnecessary time coming to our physical office. We try to arrange it so you either won't have to go to court at all or typically just once for the more complicated and serious cases. We know that communication and privacy are very important. Many of our clients are very particular that their spouse, parents, or kids do not find out about their “embarrassing situation.” We go out of our way to respect that, while staying in touch with our clients and letting them know what is going on, every step of the way. We will fight to keep your driving privileges and your insurance premiums low, call 913-621-0800 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation. We accept all major credit cards in order to better accommodate our clients' needs. If you have been cited for a violation that you believe to be the result of an error, or one in which you were at fault, you can fight speeding tickets, red-light camera, and other citations by hiring an attorney with experience in defending these cases. Before you plead guilty, contact us and see if there is a way to keep your driving record clean. Can you afford to be without a driver's license for a month, or even a year? To protect your driving record, contact us as soon as possible. |